Wednesday, May 25, 2016

9 Banana Fruit Benefits For Health

The following are the 9 benefits of bananas for a healthy body that has been clinically tested. Yellow fruit that one is indeed delicious and easy varied serving, people eat bananas, fried, steamed, or processed together with other materials.

Well, for those of you who are fond of eating the bananas as a dessert after a meal, it's good to read the 9 benefits of bananas that are proven to be significantly to the health of our body.

Banana Fruit Benefits For Health

  1. Bananas are one of the favorite fruit of people in the world and contains many vitamins that are very good for the health of the body.

  2. Bananas have potassium content high enough, the benefits of this potassium is able to prevent long term degenaratif disease.

  3. Bananas can also be applied as a natural cough remedy.

  4. The inside of a banana skin could also be used to relieve itching a mosquito bite marks by way of rubbing him.

  5. Bananas contain vitamin B6 can control the sugar levels in the blood and evoke a mood.

  6. Eat a banana when eating rice or when breakfast can help pregnant women avoid morning sickness.

  7. Banana fruit can increase levels of Serotonin which can fight depression.

  8. Bananas are rich in B-Complex vitamins that could soothe the nervous system.

  9. Medical research has also proven that eating bananas can add memory.

That are the most health benefits you can get when eating banana. If you enjoy this, you might also enjoy another interesting fruit fact for health likes acai berry health benefits and health benefits of apple for brain.